Filled in (a little bit more)

About three months ago I told you I was going to do some crafty projects, in an effort to fill in the time. And I wanted to take you along for the ride, updating you about my progress. Well, let’s just say my progress was made in one fail swoop. I hadn’t touched the stuff for 3 months until a couple of weekends ago.

I did it all in one evening. So, there really was no progress to be updating you with. Lame, I know.

I find that most things on our to-do lists can be done in one fail swoop. We just have to get to it.

So here are the results! I did a couple more windows than I mentioned, bought a couple of decorations, but my board of inspiration is still pretty empty (I’m working on that next!). I’m using my 2001 camera here so excuse the crappy photos. I tried to make them fun using (which is my favorite).

The improvements: Continue reading